Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hello from the USA! I'm sure most of you already know, but I finally arrived in Washington, D.C. last Thursday. I was supposed to get in last Wednesday, but my flight was straight up canceled (technical plane problem). Although I was extremely upset because I was thrilled to get home, I was put up in a super nice airport hotel, and I got to explore some of the Christmas markets while having all my meals paid for by the airline.

When I arrived in DC I couldn't have been happier. I got home around dinner time and was quickly greeted by my amazing friends. The next day most of you probably saw that we got a snow storm on the East Coast. In Williamsburg we got about an inch which is a lot for our town sadly. However, when I was driving home I saw people playing touch football in the dark while the snow fell, but had lit up the field with all of their car headlights in a row. It doesn't get more American than that, and it definitely made me happy to be back.

Since this is my last post, because my study abroad is now over I wan to thank everyone who read my blog, and who contributed to my time abroad with comments, suggestions, and help.

I had the most incredible time abroad, and feel grateful for every experience. I learned just a couple days ago that I'll be spending my next summer in Tanzania, so expect I another blog soon! Plus, I'm thinking about starting an everyday type blog also.

Please keep me updated on what all of you are up to.

With love. Always,

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